Winloot Winners

$10 Winner From Pine Grove, WV!

Congratulations to Patricia S. of Pine Grove, WV for being an instant $10 winner on November 20th, 2016. We reached out to Patricia to find out more information and to get a sense into what it is like to win.

+What did you think when you realized you were really a winner?

– I was surprised, never won anything before.


+What would you do if you won $1,000,000 from Winloot?

– If I won $1,000,000.00 I would pay off all my bills and help my children and grandchildren out financially.


+What do you like best about Winloot?

– The thing I like most about Winloot is you actually win playing the games.


+What would you say to people who don’t believe they can win?

– If people don’t believe they can win I say two things.  You can’t win if you don’t play and if you play long enough you CAN win.


We at Winloot want to wish the best of luck to Patricia S. on winning. Keep playing here at Winloot and you too could be the big winner!






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